Thursday, 11 October 2012

Things That Do Not Float My Boat

1. People who use social mediums (primarily Facebook) to clog up my newsfeed with their bitching and moaning about their first world problems. In particular, the recent furore on the Lust Have It page bemoaning the shittiness of the "VIP" membership because it doesn't kiss their arse and make them coffee. Really. You pay less than $15/month and expect a fucking diamond ring on a silver platter? I suggest you stop your repetitious whingeing, get on with your life (although the jury's out on whether you indeed have one, given the inordinate amount of time you spend writing whiny essays on FB) and thank the gods that you HAVE $15/month to spend on unnecessary beauty products instead of, say, I don't know, LIVING IN A CARDBOARD BOX ON THE STREET. Or worse, having THIRD WORLD problems.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


My bloggy inspiration seems to have waned a little so I have been neglecting my ranting on this medium but never fear- I am back!

So much shit has gone down (or is it up?) in the past week and I am loathe to go into it in detail so I shall just be cryptic and say "the end is the beginning is the end". Never thought I'd be quoting Billy Corgan, but if this past week has taught me anything, it's that life can throw you a curve ball at any moment!! But you gotta just keep on going. And drinking. And going.

That's it for now- have heaps of stuff to review/bitch and lament about but for now I think I'll just have a beer and a donut :)